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Classical Feng Shui is an ancient practice that helps us achieve health and prosperity in all areas of our lives including in our families and in our work. Whenever I provide in-person or virtual Feng Shui Consultations, one place people are surprised to learn of the benefits of Feng Shui is the bathroom.  

When it comes to bathroom Feng Shui there are some simple and easily implemented strategies to protect Positive Energy and to maintain balance in your Home. So, in my blog this month, I want to talk about Feng Shui tips for the bathroom to help you optimize the flow of Chi in your Home.

The Water Element

Before we talk about bathroom Feng Shui, I think it is important to help you understand the water element better. The water element is one of the most important Feng Shui elements. The water element is associated with prosperity, wisdom, and social connection and colours of the water element include hues of blue and aqua. As you can imagine, the bathroom is abundant with water, so many of my tips for bathroom Feng Shui encourage you to balance the water element. Classical Feng Shui principles suggest that an overabundance of the water element in a space can bring heavy emotions and experiences such as sadness, loneliness, and lethargy. So, with this in mind, let’s have a closer look at some ways to boost the Energy in your Home with good bathroom Feng Shui.

Bathroom Feng Shui Tips

Most importantly, we want to use the practice of Feng Shui to hold Positive Energy in your Home. Follow these tips so the Positive Chi does not escape through your bathroom.

  • Toilet Lid Closed

In Feng Shui for the bathroom, you should always keep the toilet lid closed. As the main function of the toilet is to remove waste by flushing away water, it is important to close your toilet lid so that you don’t flush away Positive Chi. Closing the toilet lid helps to conserve resources and Chi.

  • Bathroom Door Closed

For good bathroom Feng Shui, you can reduce Chi from flowing away by closing your bathroom door to prevent Chi from exiting through the sink and tub drain.  

  • Balance with the Earth Element

As I already mentioned, there is an abundance of Feng Shui water element in your bathroom, so I always encourage my clients to create balance by adding the Earth Element. A simple Feng Shui tip is to place 8 river rocks or pebbles behind your toilet to keep Energy grounded in the bathroom.

feng shui tips for bathroom, Feng Shui Tips for the Bathroom

  • The Colour of Décor

Considering the natural inclusion of the water element in the bathroom, another great bathroom Feng Shui tip is to decorate with grounding colours. Wall paint, towels, mats, and other bathroom accessories should be in earthy colours such as off-white, light or medium brown. Muted yellows are also great choices.

  • Avoid Water Imagery

As your bathroom already features water, when I consult with Clients, I advise them to avoid pictures with water in the bathroom. Feng Shui for the bathroom guides us to avoid images of rivers, lakes, the ocean, or other watery landscapes in the bathroom.  Instead, consider bringing in the Feng Shui wood element by decorating with forest landscapes or even pieces of driftwood.

I hope you find these easy strategies for better bathroom Feng Shui helpful, and as always remember that I provide personalized Feng Shui consultations for Clients in their Homes and offices in-person or virtually.