
How to Incorporate Feng Shui at Christmas

I love the holiday season for many reasons: family and friends getting together, children’s faces lighting up at the sight of decorations and presents, and of course, incorporating Classical Feng Shui in and around the home. In the spirit of giving, I wanted to pass along a few ways you can decorate your home this holiday season while using Feng Shui to boost the energy in your home. After all, Feng Shui is all about moving and celebrating energies, and to awaken the energies of your home, one needs to activate them!

Feng Shui Tips for Christmas Decorations at Your Front Door

 Feng Shui Christmas decorated porch with little trees and lantern

Your front entrance is the main point where energy flows into your home. The front doorway is where this vital energy, “Chi” or “Qi” flows into your home and life. To heighten the flow of energy into your home for Feng Shui at Christmas time, we recommend:

  • Decorating your front pathway and your doorway with Christmas lights to keep it bright and to increase the energy flow into your home. Not to mention, it’s festive and fun!
  • Wipe down or wash your front door with salt water.
  • Hang a wreath or bells on the doorknob. We recommend a wreath of pine branches and pine cones with gold and red details.
  • Tidy up your porch or walkway to remove clutter, snow, or ice. Pay special attention to old and dead plants in planters which should be removed as well.
  • Add a festive greeter such as a pot of greens, a waving Santa, or a wagon filled with faux presents to catch the eye, set the tone for your home, and uplift your visitors’ energy.
  • Lay a festive doormat.

When decorating the front entrance, we recommend these festive colours:

  • Red lights which symbolize prosperity and luck.
  • Green lights to symbolize stability, serenity, and healing.
  • Gold and silver tones to represent financial richness and good fortune.
  • Brown colours to represent grounding, self-care, and stability.
  • Blue colours to symbolize prosperity and abundance such as increased income and money flowing into the home.

These colours and Feng Shui tips can also work for other Christmas decorations in your home, including your Christmas tree.

Feng Shui Advice for Your Christmas Tree

Christmas decorating wouldn’t be complete without adorning your Christmas tree with festive decorations. The tree is a significant part of Christmas decor in most households.

Christmas tree

Before setting up your tree, think about different locations in your home that would allow your tree to accept Chi energy. At the same time, the Christmas tree should be placed in an area that doesn’t obstruct energy flow into the home. Ideally, you’ll want to place it in a room where it can be admired from the outside.  For example, beside a window, or where it can be seen the moment you walk into your home. If you’re single or live in a smaller apartment, you can still put up a small tree!  Remember it’s the intention that you place with it that counts.

When decorating your tree, I recommend the Classical Feng Shui practice of intention setting. Your Christmas tree can represent a powerful force in your home – you may set an intention for prosperity, happiness, peace, and so much more.  Think of what you’d like the tree to represent and what intention you’d like to set. Do you want to boost your overall quality of life, your financial status, or your family’s happiness? Once you’ve decided, think of your Christmas tree as your Tree of Life, your Tree of Prosperity, or your Tree of Happiness, and decorate it accordingly to boost that area of your family’s life. 

After you’ve set your intentions, it’s time to think about the Christmas ornaments we place on or around the tree:

  • To boost your quality of life, choose ornaments and figurines in calming colors such as green and brown.
  • To improve your financial status, place beautifully wrapped presents under the tree to represent abundance. Wrap them in red and gold wrapping paper since these colors symbolize financial richness, good fortune, and prosperity.
  • To increase your family’s happiness, you can include handmade ornaments by your children, souvenirs from your travels, etc. Anything that makes you happy!

With your decorations, you’ll also want to:

  • Make sure your tree lights are bright! Change the bulbs that are burnt out, or dim and dull.
  • Find lights that glow and sparkle so your tree comes alive with new energies. Fairy lights are perfect for this as they come with different settings that let you change the “look” of the tree depending on the energy of the day.
  • Discard faded and old decorations.
  • Decorate the tree with natural material as much as possible (i.e. cones, crystals) to bring in the nurturing earth and wood elements. This is a great option if you have an artificial tree.

Classical Feng Shui is easy to incorporate into your Christmas decorations with all the bright lights and decorations. Don’t forget that when you take down the tree at the end of December, it’s important to cleanse your space to renew the energy. This sacred space cleanse will help you start fresh in preparation for the Feng Shui New Year in February. Read next month’s blog to find out more about how to clear the energy from your space!.